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Case Study

Central Illinois Board of REALTORS

“We saved thousands of dollars on credit card processing fees and we now have a single point of entry for database information across all platforms.”

Association Executive Paul Brown explains how GrowthZone has made a difference in the bottom line for the Central Illinois Board of REALTORS®.

What made you want to change your AMS?

We decided to evaluate new Association Management Software because our platform was not meeting the needs or the integration requirements for our organization. Specifically, what led us to GrowthZone was that for an organization our size, about 1,000 members, it was cost-effective and would integrate not only with our lock box platform, but also our existing MLS and National Association of REALTORS®.

What objectives have you achieved with GrowthZone?

Some of the strategic outcomes and objectives that we liked about switching to GrowthZone and adopting it as our AMS was first, lower costs. GrowthZone’s ability to use the National Association of REALTORS®’s credit card payment processing platform was alone going to save us $10,000 a year in credit card processing fees. That was definitely one of the selling points. The other was a single point of entry for database information across all platforms. When updating or when adding a member’s information to GrowthZone, that information would also populate across the other platforms that we utilize.

What do you like best about GrowthZone?

For our association, one of the things that we like best about GrowthZone’s platform is the ease-of-use and support when we do have an issue. Whether through online chat support, email support, or by phone, GrowthZone has been very responsive to our issues and has provided follow-up in a very timely

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