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Social Media

February Social Media Tips for Associations

From pistachios to polar bears, February is full of random (and not-so-random) holidays. Holiday observances are a great way to keep your association’s social media feeds active. We’ve shared several February themes to get you started: Monthly Observances American Heart Month Black History Month Canned Food Month Great American Pie Month National Cherry Month National Children’s Dental Health Month National Grapefruit Month National Weddings Month 30 More Ideas for Chamber Social Media Posts » Weekly Observances Feb 4-10 Burn Awareness […]

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How to Engage Members in the 21st Century

There’s no reason associations should continue to play by 20th-century rules anymore. There are (at least) 5 digital tactics member-based organizations should be using to drive participation and engagement in today’s world. TACTIC #1 Build Awareness Through Social Media Like most associations, you probably already have some sort of social media presence. But do y ou use it as a strategic tool to promote your organization? Are you using it to initiate discussions and dialogue? Don’t overlook social media as […]

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Association Social Media Themes for December

As the year winds down, generating ideas for social media posts can be a challenge. Keep your social media fresh by posting about holidays and events. Here are several themes to get you rolling: Monthly Observances AIDS Awareness Month Bingo Month Drunk and Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month Human Rights Month Safe Toys and Gifts Month Food Service Safety Month Weekly Observances 3-9                Handwashing Awareness 18-22            Cookie Exchange […]

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[Webinar] Social Media and Your Perfect Audience

Learn how to revitalize your association’s social media relationship with prospective members! Join membership expert and social media pro, Frank Kenny, on Wednesday, December 13th at 1 PM CST for our live, FREE webinar, “Social Media and Your Perfect Audience.” Register for the Webinar Now » Frank will share techniques for associations that will help them can attract (and retain) members through social media. His goal? To help associations become more widely known, in a positive light, by the kind […]

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Social Media Post Ideas for November

The start of the holiday season signals one of the busiest times of year. Give yourself a break; plan your social posts in advance to allow yourself time to focus on family and fun. Check out these holiday and event ideas for your November social media posts: MONTHLY: Health National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month Diabetes Month National Epilepsy Awareness Month National Family Caregivers Month National Healthy Skin Month, Cancer Awareness Month Prematurity Awareness Month Food Georgia Pecan Month Good Nutrition […]

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October Social Media Themes for Associations

Coming up with ideas for social media posts can be stressful and time consuming. The social media success formula indicates that only 10% of posts should be about your organization. So, what about the rest of your posts? A simple technique for keeping on pace with your content calendar is to post about holidays and events. Here are several holiday and event ideas for your October social media posts: HEALTH • ADHD Awareness Month • Breast Cancer Awareness Month • […]

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A Simple Social Media Tip for Association Pros

When it comes to spending time marketing your association on social media channels, it’s easy to “save it for another day.” After all, association pros are always on the run and their time is at a premium. However, social media cannot be an afterthought because it’s critical to keep social media at the forefront of your association’s marketing strategy. People turn to social media for information. They seek everything from news to event updates, from job openings to advice on […]

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What is Facebook Doing to My Link Previews?

As part of Facebook’s effort to stop the spread of misinformation and false news on their platform, they are removing the ability for Pages to edit how a link appears on Facebook. According to, by removing the ability to alter link metadata (i.e. headline, description, and image) from link sharing on Facebook, they are eliminating a channel that has been abused to post false news. The ability to customize the image, title, or description in link previews is no […]

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Social Media Tips for Busy Association Professionals

Frank Kenny explains how to post to social media even when you’re too busy. Are you sometimes so crunched for time that you fail to post to social media when you meant to? Most membership professionals are that busy. But that doesn’t mean your social media content shouldn’t get posted. I would like to share a quick story with you of how I discovered a strategy (and a few helpful tools) that allowed me to make sure my social media […]

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Frank Kenny: Coming Across as a Business Professional

Whether you like it or not, people are judging you online. Do they think you are likable? Are you a business professional they could trust? It’s a whole lot easier to be successful in life if people know, like, and trust you. Your online brand must make it clear that you are indeed a trustworthy business professional. For better or worse, you are either helping your professional life or you are harming it with every online interaction.  Every day that […]

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How Unsuspecting Associations Can End Up in a Lawsuit

Using the internet to find images for your association’s website and social media channels? BE CAREFUL! It’s critical to avoid copyright infringements. Get 30 quick and easy ideas for association social media posts » There are companies out there that do nothing but search the web for copyright infringement. They’re known as copyright trolls. Wikipedia defines a copyright troll as a party (person or company) that enforces copyrights for purposes of making money through litigation, in a manner considered unduly aggressive or opportunistic. They use web […]

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How to Increase Facebook Page Followers for Free

Increasing your association’s Facebook page followers is easier than you may think. Two free methods to drive page “likes” are to leverage your email contacts and your personal Facebook account. Read on to learn how. Get 30+ social media post ideas in the Social Media Survival Kit for associations. 1. Suggest your Facebook Page to the people on your association’s email list. While many people use multiple email accounts, a fair number use the same email address for work and […]

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