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Social Media

Event Promotion Checklist for Associations

Your association spends a lot of time (and money!) putting together in-person events – the last thing you want is an empty room. Putting on an event is no small task. But no matter what type of event you’re organizing – a large expo, a small conference, a golf tournament, an educational seminar, or your association’s annual dinner, promotion is key. Get more out of your event marketing with our guide, Before, During & After: The How-To Guide to Successful Event […]

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Frank Kenny: Selling Memberships with Social Media

So, you want to make money (a.k.a, sell memberships) maximizing your organization’s social media and digital marketing efforts. Imagine that, right? You have done the groundwork… your organization is online in all the right places, ensuring your target market is aware of its existence. You have also engaged with people, going beyond mere awareness of your organization to building relationships and building up the ‘know, like, and trust’ factors. Now you’re ready to take the next step, that is, turning your online […]

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For Associations, Posting Content Is Not Enough

Membership pro Frank Kenny explains content marketing through social media and why digital marketing is necessary to bridge the two. Imagine that you create fantastic content regularly – it shouldn’t be much of a stretch – you’re likely already doing that. You give a lot of thought to each piece you create. You keep your target audience in mind. You solve a problem or speak to a need. You post it on social media, remembering to add context, tag people, […]

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Social Media and Awareness Building

Part 1 of the 5-Part Series: Why Member Engagement No Longer Means Face-to-Face Many associations are struggling with member engagement. There are several reasons for this. For starters, it seems like everyone is pressed for time. From running the kids to sporting events to working longer hours, time is at a premium. Secondly, younger members are often less interested in participating in on-site events. These “digital natives” are more inclined to take part in online groups, chats, and forums. Thirdly, […]

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How Do you Engage Your Members? The 2023 Survey Says…

Over 300 association professionals across the U.S. and Canada were surveyed by GrowthZone at the end of 2022. As part of the survey, membership and engagement trends were highlighted and here’s what the survey results revealed. Young Professionals Engagement 61% of respondents say they do not have a defined strategy for recruiting and retaining young professionals. If this sounds familiar to your association, this is a huge opportunity to grow membership, because Millennials now make up the largest share of […]

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[GUEST BLOG] Why Didn’t You Tell Me? A Better Way to Reach Your Audience

by Frank Kenny Do people in your community ever ask you, “Hey, how come you didn’t tell me about such and such?” It’s so frustrating, especially if you posted the event or program on social media again and again. You may have even felt like you were bothering people because of how often you posted it. Yet people are still angry with you even though you did everything you could to reach your audience. Or did you? The fact is, […]

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Tips for a Successful Association Event

When you spend a lot of time and money preparing for an in-person event for education, fundraising, networking, or membership building, the last thing you want is an empty room. Get more out of your event marketing with this guide: Before, During & After: The How-To Guide to Successful Event Promotions. To start event planning off on the right track, follow these steps: Make Registration Easy Define Your Purpose Target Your Audience Define the Benefits of Attending. People love to procrastinate and […]

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Increase Engagement and Improve Your Social Media Reach

Low social media engagement can negatively impact your algorithm score and lessen your reach to your followers. Take expert Frank Kenny’s advice and add an engagement-getter to your posts.

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Fall Social Media Post Ideas

Keeping your content up to date with the time of year helps drive engagement.

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[GUEST Micro-Vlog] Switch Photo Backgrounds in 10 Seconds

Guest Blog: Stop posting boring pictures on social media. See how to change photo backgrounds in 10 seconds.

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Easy Ways to Use Video to Engage Association Members

Video is an impactful method for associations to get their point across, stay connected with their members, and nudge prospective association members to take immediate action.

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May 2021 Social Media Post Ideas for Associations

This article was originally posted May 1, 2018. It has been updated. Mental Health Awareness Month, Small Business Week, Mother’s Day, and Memorial Day are just the beginning of the festivities in May. Spread awareness, increase engagement, and get your association and chamber social media feeds summer-ready with these 22 post ideas. Monthly Observances ALS Awareness Month Global Employee Health and Fitness Month Asparagus Month Barbecue Month Bike Month Mental Health Awareness Month Hamburger Month   Weekly Observances May 1-7th […]

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