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A Critical Marketing Tool for Association Conferences

It’s summertime and the 2017 association conference season is off to a great start. The key to driving registrations is to make it as easy as possible for potential attendees to get approval to attend. Read the tip sheet: We’ve Got to Stop Meeting Like This and learn how to plan and run efficient meetings. A key component of your overall conference marketing plan should be a letter/proposal template that can be used by potential attendees to pitch the idea […]

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Why Brand Identity Matters for Associations

What exactly is brand identity? (Spoiler alert: it’s more than just a logo.) Is a Brand Identity important for associations? What exactly is a Brand Identity? Can a Brand Identity be explained? These questions are critical to ask yourself. If you can’t accurately define it, aren’t sure how to explain it, but are pretty sure it might be important, could you even come up with Brand Identity for your organization? Yes. As a matter of fact, you’re probably further along […]

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How to Convert Association Prospects to Members

Frank Kenny outlines the strategic process for converting prospects to paid members. Have you put much thought into the journey people go through as they become happy and successful members of your association? You know they don’t just go from an oblivious state of not knowing your organization exists one day, to raving fans telling their colleagues about you the next. There is a process, a journey, that people go through. Let’s analyze the journey so you discover how social […]

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2017 Association Industry Research Results

GrowthZone surveyed over 1,000 association professionals across the U.S. and Canada. We found out everything from their Top 5 recruitment methods to their most utilized member benefits. Respondents from organizations of various sizes shared their biggest challenges as well as their top sources for non-dues revenue. In its third year, the Association Trends Survey Infographic is again expected to be our most downloaded piece of content. Take a look at the easy-to-read infographic of the results and see how your association […]

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How to Write an Association Mission Statement

Mission Statements are often overlooked or ignored. But, if an association is operating without one, or paying no attention to what’s already in place, they’re making a critical error. A Mission Statement is what ensures an organization stays on its intended course. Is it time to reevaluate and update yours? Is your Board asking for one? Are you asking your Board for one? Whatever the reason may be, taking time to review what’s in place vs. how your organization is […]

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4 Social Media Tips for Associations

A successful association social media strategy doesn’t have to be a challenge. Simply follow the formula to navigate your way to an effective social media presence. The #1 Social Media Rule: Post things that are interesting, informative, and relevant to your members. See the rest of the formula along with post ideas for each category in the Association Social Media Survival Kit: Quick & Clever Social Media Posts. The Social Media Success Formula: Only 10% of your posts should be […]

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GrowthZone is ready for ASAE #MMCCon

At GrowthZone, we’re busy preparing for the #MMCCon ASAE Marketing, Membership, and Communications Conference (MMCC) in the heart of Washington, D.C. Association and nonprofit professionals from across the globe will learn the insights necessary to take their strategy to new heights by overcoming daily challenges and sharpening their skills. Stop by Booth 602 to say hello and to take our short, 5 question survey. We’ll give you a $5 Starbucks gift card for your time. Interested in learning more about GrowthZone AMS? Sit down […]

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Association Marketing Plan Basics

When creating a marketing plan, many Associations miss the opportunity to clearly differentiate between a strategy and the other, necessary plan components. “Strategy” refers to the long-term planning and implementation of methods to help an organization achieve its marketing goals. However, “strategy” is often misused to refer to a mission, goals, objectives, and tactics. A well-defined marketing plan with a clear strategy is vital for an organization. An excessively diverse, reactionary, and scattered strategy known as the “kitchen sink” approach […]

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