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3 Strategies Consistently Used by Growing Associations

image of top three in textIn GrowthZone’s recently released 2019 Association Survey Results, we reported on everything from average employee-to-member ratio to respondents’ satisfaction with their boards of directors.

In addition to some interesting trends, the survey pinpointed the top three strategies consistently utilized by growing associations:

  1. They keep fresh and relevant content in front of prospects and members.
  2. They provide value by offering incentives to new/renewing members as well as advocate on behalf of members and prospects.
  3. They maintain an engaged, open-minded, performance-oriented Board of Directors.

Some specific tactics include:

  • Blogging regularly: 25% of growing associations report actively blogging vs. 18% of those reporting no growth.
  • Offering incentives: 55% of growing organizations offer membership incentives whereas only 44% of those reporting no growth offer incentives.
  • Strong Board of Directors: Growing associations rate their board of directors an average of 4.02 out of 5 stars for performance vs. the 76-star rating non-growing associations give their board of directors.

Download the full report to see the top 10 answers to: “What do you think is the next major trend for the association industry?” and “What is the most beneficial change your association has made within the past year?

Additional topics include historic membership trends, use of marketing channels, most effective tactics for growing memberships, and more.

Get your copy of the 2019 Association Annual Survey Results.
With up-to-date statistics and detailed comments from respondents, it’s a must-read.


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