
Poland: notarial and documentary services

How someone in Poland can get documents prepared, witnessed or certified, take an oath of British citizenship and obtain informative notes.

Legalise a UK document

Legalisation is the official confirmation that a signature, seal or stamp on an official public document is genuine. It does not certify the authenticity of a document or give approval of its content. UK public documents such as birth, death, marriage and divorce certificates can be legalised by the UK government in the UK. This is also known as an apostille.

Before arriving in Poland, you are advised to check with the authorities if they require UK documents to be legalised and get copies of documents you require legalised before you travel.

The Legalisation Office in the UK can legalise UK public documents and you can find information on how to do this here.

The British Embassy in Warsaw is unable to legalise UK public documents. Where local notaries can provide services, the British embassy will not provide them. In many cases, local notaries or lawyers can provide services more cheaply, quickly and conveniently.

Services we provide in Poland

Consular staff in Poland can:

  • make a certified copy of a British passport

For information about documents relating to marriage, such as a certificate of no impediment (CNI) and notice of marriage, see getting married abroad.

If you can’t find the service you are looking for on this page, see other services provided by the British embassy in Poland.

What to bring to your appointment

See the individual services below for details of supporting documents to bring. Make sure you have acceptable proof of address and identity, and payment for any fees. See the full list of consular fees.


We accept payment by Visa and MasterCard only.

Refunds will not be given for certificates or notarial services that are not accepted by the requesting authority. Only the relevant authority can confirm which service you will require. This information cannot be verified by the Consular Section of British Embassy Warsaw.

Proof of address and identity

For all appointments for notarial services you will need to bring acceptable proof of your identity and address.

We accept passports or national identity cards as proof of identity.

We accept local residence cards or letters such as utility bills or bank statements as proof of your address.

Make a certified copy of a British passport

This service is for customers who need certified photocopies of British passports.

What you will need to bring with you:

Book an appointment to make a certified copy at the British Embassy in Warsaw

Services provided elsewhere

Witnessing a life certificate

We no longer provide life certificates for British nationals claiming a British pension abroad. View the list of professionals who can witness a life certificate (PDF, 18 KB).

Certificate of good conduct

If you need a Certificate of Good Conduct (COGC, Zaświadczenie o Niekaralności) from the territory of Poland, you can get one from the Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) in Warsaw.

British nationals living in Poland may apply directly to the CRB at:

Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości
Krajowy Rejestr Karny
ul. Czerniakowska 100
00-454 Warsaw

Tel.: +48 22 397 6200,
Fax: +48 22 397 6205,

If a British national lives outside Poland, they should send a postal request directly to CRB in Warsaw.

If you need to get a COGC from Poland, you’ll need to complete and sign a request form (Zapytanie o udzielenie informacji o osobie). The form should only be signed by the person concerned.

You need to include the following details:

  • last address of your residence in Poland (line No. 10)
  • reason for applying for the certificate (line No. 11)
  • length of time you would like to be checked (line No. 13)
  • your current UK address must be printed in the top left corner of the page
  • your signature in the space provided (podpis osoby uprawnionej)

Once you have completed and signed the form, you should send it to:

Biuro Informacyjne Krajowego Rejestru Karnego
Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości
ul. Czerniakowska 100
00-454 Warsaw

You need to pay a fee of 30 PLN (equivalent of £5) for the COGC. The transfer has to be made from the bank account of the person applying for the COGC. It should be transferred to the following bank account:

NBP O/O Warszawa
PL 77 1010 1010 0400 1922 3100 0000


Narodowy Bank Polski
Oddział Okręgowy Warszawa
Plac Powstańców Warszawy 4
00-950 Warszawa

When you transfer the fee, you need to provide the address of the Polish Ministry of Justice:

Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości
Al. Ujazdowskie 11
00-950 Warszawa

The CRB reply will be sent directly to the person concerned. The process takes about 4 weeks.

The COGC may also be obtained through a family member/friend/acquaintance/colleague who lives in Poland providing he/she has a written authorisation to collect the certificate. The original must be signed by the person concerned.

The authorised person should contact the CRB (tel: +48 22 397 6200, fax +48 22 397 6205) directly for further instructions. The authorisation document should read as follows:

Upoważniam Panią/Pana …………………… legitymującą/legitymującego się Dowodem Osobistym/Paszportem Nr………wydanym ……………do odbioru zaświadczenia z Krajowego Rejestru Karnego. (I authorise Ms/Mr …………………, holder of Identity Card/Passport No. …………………issued on ………… to collect a Certificate of Good Conduct from the Criminal Record Bureau.).

Data protection

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office holds and uses data for purposes notified to the Information Commissioner under the Data Protection Act 1998. Such personal data may be disclosed to other UK government departments and public authorities.


This information is provided as a general guide and is based upon information provided to the embassy / consulate by the relevant authorities and may be subject to change at any time with little or no notice. Accordingly the FCDO and the British embassy / consulate will not be liable for any inaccuracies in this information. For all notarial and legalisation services it is the responsibility of the customer to ascertain the precise requirements of the person requesting the notarial or legalisation service and to satisfy themselves that the service provided by the embassy/consulate will be accepted.

Updates to this page

Published 22 November 2013
Last updated 8 August 2024 + show all updates
  1. Replaced the top section in accordance with guidance from the Consular Team

  2. British Embassy Warsaw no longer provide certified copies of UK educational documents. Only British passports.

  3. Changes in 'Certificate of No Impediment' information

  4. Changes to Notarial and Document Services guide for Poland

  5. updated list of services provided by British Embassy in Warsaw.

  6. First published.

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