
Thailand: consular fees

List of fees for consular information in Thailand.



To convert fees to local currency, please use the current consular exchange rate.

Updates to this page

Published 5 July 2013
Last updated 6 September 2023 + show all updates
  1. Updated the 'For information / disclaimer' section to explain Consular Fees are non-refundable.

  2. Updated consular fees - January 2021

  3. Update from PDF to HTML document 25/01/2021

  4. Edited Consular Fees - Note: Consular fees are not refundable.

  5. We have attached new consular fee table for August 2019.

  6. We have attached new consular fees for July 2019.

  7. updated consular fee table for June 2019.

  8. added new consular fee table for May 2019

  9. Updated consular fees for the month of April

  10. Updated consular fees

  11. updated consular fee table for the month of January 2019

  12. Fee updated

  13. Fee unpdated

  14. Updated consular fees as of 12 July 2016

  15. Updated consular fee as of 6 June 2016

  16. Updated consular fees as of 6 April 2016

  17. Updated consular fees as of 7 March 2016

  18. Changes in consular fees which are effective from 1 October

  19. Fee changes

  20. Changes of Consular fees

  21. Fee changes on 10 September 2013

  22. Fee changes

  23. First published.

  24. The Consular rate of exchange changed to Baht 46 / 1 GBP.

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