
China: consular fees

List of fees for consular information in China.



Costs shown are in British pounds £GBP. To convert a fee to the local currency, use the current consular exchange rate.

Updates to this page

Published 19 March 2013
Last updated 7 May 2024 + show all updates
  1. Updated

  2. Updated new version of consular fee table

  3. Consular Fee Table updated due to the new consular rate

  4. Consular Fee Table has been updated on a new Consular Exchange Rate.

  5. We have updated the consular exchange rate.

  6. Updated China - Consular Fees June version.

  7. Updated consular fees to May 2019

  8. Update May 2019 new fee table

  9. Fee table updated for April 2019.

  10. Consular fee table for China updated for March 2019.

  11. Consular Fee Table Updated.

  12. Consular Fee Table Updated.

  13. Updated.

  14. Updated

  15. Updated

  16. Updated

  17. Updated

  18. Updated

  19. Updated

  20. updated

  21. Updated

  22. Updated

  23. Updated

  24. Updated

  25. Updated

  26. Updated

  27. Updated

  28. Updated

  29. Updated

  30. Updated

  31. Updated

  32. Updated

  33. Updated

  34. Updated

  35. Updated

  36. Updated

  37. Updated

  38. Updated

  39. Updated

  40. Updated

  41. Updated

  42. Updated

  43. Updated

  44. Updated

  45. Updated

  46. First published.

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