Chief Development Officer

Tim Bestwick


Tim Bestwick was appointed UKAEA’s Chief Technology Officer and Director of Strategy, Communications & Business Development in 2018.

Career highlights include:

  • Executive Director, Business & Innovation at the Science & Technology Facilities Council.
  • Non-Executive Director of the Harwell Science & Innovation Campus.
  • Chair of the Eureka Network (the world’s largest international business to business innovation network).
  • Non-Executive Director of ten start-up technology companies.
  • ‘Innovation Sector Champion’ Award from AIRTO - the membership body for organisations operating in the UK’s innovation, research and technology sector.
  • Chair of The Space Partnership Board

Chief Development Officer

Responsibilities include:

  • Development of the science campuses at Harwell and Culham
  • Leading on UKAEA’s work with private sector fusion companies
  • Intellectual property
  • Commercialisation of UKAEA technology

UK Atomic Energy Authority