Publication scheme

This publication scheme sets out the types of information we usually publish and explains how to get hold of that information.

Types of information we publish

We publish information about:

  • who we are and what we do
  • what we spend and how we spend it
  • what our priorities are
  • our policies and procedures

We also publish a list of unclaimed estates and, at our own discretion, FOI responses in estates cases to assist kin in locating their entitlement.

How to get information

We publish information on this website. Copies of our annual accounts, FOI responses and the unclaimed estates list can be found with our publications.

If you have any queries on the information we publish you can contact us at:

Government Legal Department

Governnment Legal Department (BVD)
1 Ruskin Square


Switchboard 020 7210 4700

Please use this email address for all general enquiries about the work of the Bona Vacantia Division.