Me edendame ja hoiame alal olulist ja pikaaegset suhet Ühendkuningriigi ja Eesti Vabariigi vahel.

See hõlmab väga laia spektrit poliitika, äritegevuse, kaitsekoostöö ja majanduse valdkonnas. Me samuti toetame Briti kodanikke Eestis.

Our services

Getting help

If you cannot get the support you need from local services, the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) can help British people abroad.

We prioritise emergencies and people who are vulnerable, for example, if someone’s:

  • ill, injured, or involved in a crime
  • with a British person who’s died

Get help from FCDO

Passport extensions

Details of how to get a passport extension can be found here. If you want to make an appointment, contact our Consular section using the details at the foot of this page.

Emergency travel documents

An emergency travel document (ETD) enables British nationals abroad whose passport is lost/stolen, or unavailable because it is being renewed or has been sent for a visa application to make a single or return journey to the UK or another country of residence, via a maximum of five transit countries.

Passport renewal

For information on how to apply for your first passport or renew an existing passport, please visit the overseas passport section of this website.

Please note that our consulates cannot deal with individual enquiries about passport applications.


All visa applications must be made online and an appointment booked to visit our UK Visa Application Centre to enrol your biometric information. You can check if you require a visa and apply online through the UK Visas & Immigration pages. Once the UK visa online application process has been completed customers must also register their details on UK Visa Application Centre website. The UK Visa Application Centre is located at:

UK Visa Application Centre
Regus Tallinn Metro Plaza
3. Korrus
Metro Plaza
Viru Väljak 2
10111 Tallinn

The UK Visa Application Centre offers a range of Added Value Services such as a Priority Visa Service. Further details on all of the services offered, including eligibility criteria, is available on the UK Visa Application Centre website. Completed applications will be sent to the Decision Making Centre in Paris for processing. Application centre staff will play no part in the decision making process. For further details on the application process and processing times please visit the UK Visas & Immigration pages.

All applicants in Estonia requesting information should contact the new international enquiry service.

Please note that our consulates cannot deal with individual enquiries about visa applications.

Notarial and documentary services

Information about Notarial Services available at the British Embassy Tallinn.

Healthcare in Estonia

Information for British nationals living, or planning to live, in Estonia on the different ways to access healthcare.

Notarial and documentary services

Information about official documents, certificates, letters, and notes available at British Embassy Tallinn.

Residency requirements

Information explaining the rules for British citizens applying for residency in Estonia, what documents are required, and information on the right to reside in Estonia for EU citizens.

Registering a birth or death

Understanding your legal requirements in Estonia and how you can register a birth or death, and information on legal documents for couples marrying or entering into civil partnerships abroad.

List of lawyers and interpreters

A list of English speaking lawyers and interpreters who may be able to help you with official transactions in Estonia. Please note that inclusion in this list does not constitute official endorsement by the British Embassy or the UK government.

Guides we produce

We also produce guides for British nationals who need information about services that are not provided by our Consulate, but that you may find useful in specific circumstances.

Living in Estonia - a general set of information and links for British nationals who have a residence in Estonia.

Travel advice for Estonia

Travel advice for Estonia. Information, news and updates to ensure you stay safe, avoid problems, and make informed decisions when living or travelling in Estonia.

Legalisation Service

How to get official confirmation that your UK public documentation is genuine so it can be accepted by foreign authorities. The UK does not require any documents to be legalised for use within the UK.

How else we can help

In addition to the services listed above we can also:

  • provide information about transferring funds
  • provide appropriate help if you have suffered rape or serious assault, are a victim of other crime, or are in hospital
  • help people with mental illness
  • do all we properly can to contact you within 24 hours of being told that you have been detained
  • offer support and help in a range of other cases, such as child abductions, death of relatives overseas, missing people and kidnapping
  • contact family or friends for you if you want
  • make special arrangements in cases of terrorism, civil disturbances or natural disasters

UK law says we have to charge for some services. Details of our current fees and the standards of service you can expect to receive are on display in all our consular offices

What our consulates cannot do for you

Although we try to help British nationals in a wide range of situations, we cannot:

  • get you out of prison, prevent the local authorities from deporting you after your prison sentence, or interfere in criminal or civil court proceedings
  • help you enter a country, for example, if you do not have a visa or your passport is not valid, as we cannot interfere in another country’s immigration policy or procedures
  • give you legal advice, investigate crimes or carry out searches for missing people, although we can give you details of people who may be able to help you in these cases, such as English-speaking lawyers
  • get you better treatment in hospital or prison than is given to local people
  • pay any bills or give you money (in very exceptional circumstances we may lend you some money from public funds, which you will have to pay back)
  • make travel arrangements for you, or find you work or accommodation
  • make business arrangements on your behalf

Meie inimesed

British Ambassador to Estonia
Ross Allen

Võtke meiega ühendust

Ühendkuningriigi Suursaatkond Eestis

Wismari 6


Public access to embassies, high commissions and consulates is by appointment only

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