British High Commissioner to The Bahamas

Tom Hartley


Mr Tom Hartley has been the UK’s High Commissioner to The Bahamas since August 2022. Before this appointment he was the Deputy High Commissioner in Ghana.

After studying economics at the University of Cambridge, Tom moved to London where he worked for the Ministry of Defence and then the Home Office, during which time he was Private Secretary to 2 successive National Security Ministers: Admiral Lord West and Baroness Neville-Jones. Tom joined the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in 2012 on a multilateral portfolio, before being posted to Lebanon during the Syrian Refugee Crisis, and then to Ghana to lead one of the UK’s biggest missions in Africa.

British High Commissioner to The Bahamas

The High Commissioner is the UK government’s representative in a Commonwealth nation. They are responsible for the direction and work of the High Commission and its Deputy High Commissions and/or Consulates, including political work, trade and investment, press and cultural relations and consular services.

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office