British High Commissioner to Uganda

Philip Smith


Philip Smith is the Charges d’Affaires and Development Director for the British High Commission in Uganda.  Philip has held the role of Development Director since June 2022.

Philip joined the UK’s development agency (the Department for International Development - DFID) in 2002 and held senior positions in DFID – and subsequently in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) - in London and overseas.  

Prior to being posted to Uganda, Philip was Development Director for the UK in Ghana (2017-2021). From 2014-2017 he was DFID Country Director in Malawi.  From 2008 to 2014, Philip held various roles with DFID in Nepal where he led UK efforts to build Nepal’s capacity to prepare and respond to earthquakes and other natural disasters.

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British High Commissioner to Uganda

The High Commissioner is the UK government’s representative in a Commonwealth nation. They are responsible for the direction and work of the High Commission and its Deputy High Commissions and/or Consulates, including political work, trade and investment, press and cultural relations, and visa and consular services.

Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office