News story

Appointments: PNB and PABEW

John Randall is reappointed as chair of the Police Negotiating Board and Elizabeth France is the new chair of the Police Advisory Board for England and Wales.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Police Negotiating Board

The Prime Minister has reappointed John Randall to the PNB for an additional 12 months until 12 February 2015 or until the PNB is abolished. The Commissioner for Public Appointments, Sir David Normington, granted an exception to public appointment rules on this appointment to allow John Randall to serve for more than 10 years.

John Randall’s contribution to the PNB and PABEW over the last 10 years has been remarkable. His knowledge and comprehensive approach will be invaluable in ensuring a smooth transition from the PNB to the Police Remuneration Review Body.

John Randall ceased his position as chair of PABEW with effect from 12 February 2014.

Police Advisory Board for England and Wales

The Home Secretary has appointed Elizabeth France as Chair of the PABEW following a recruitment exercise regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments.

Elizabeth France brings a wealth of knowledge to the role. She has held previous roles as a senior civil servant, information commissioner and chief ombudsman. She also has knowledge of policing from her role as a member of the British Transport Police Authority. Elizabeth is also Chair of the Office for Legal Complaints.

Elizabeth has been appointed for 3 years from 21 February 2014.

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Published 19 March 2014