This is an example project showing the usage of Memcached Spring Boot cache library in a Spring Boot Java application. You will have to have Docker and Java 11 installed in order to run this demo.
There is an equivalent demo project written in Kotlin. To see version of this demo in Kotlin go to Spring Boot Memcached Demo in Kotlin.
To run the application tests execute this command:
./gradlew test
Build a demo application by running:
./gradlew clean build
This will create the executable application JAR spring-boot-memcached-demo-java-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
To start a Memcached server and the demo application, run:
docker-compose up -d
You should now be able to access REST endpoints e.g.
GET http://localhost:8080/books (second request is cached response)
GET http://localhost:8080/books/Kotlin (second request is cached response)
DELETE http://localhost:8080/books/Kotlin (re-cached, next invocation of step 1. request will return list without book with title Kotlin)
To stop and remove the containers, run:
docker-compose down