Octoprint plugin for 3d printers of tiertime.
Install via the bundled Plugin Manager or manually using this URL:
unzip ./WandServer_0.1.6.zip
sudo vi /etc/rc.local [Need password]
- /home/pi/WandServer/startup.sh
- sudo reboot
If you encounter problems using the plugin or if you have an idea for a new feature please use the issue tracker and if applicable add the corresponding label.
Set wandServer websocket address at OctoPrint Plugin Settings.
In octopi, it would be ws://localhost:3333
The printer will be initiated after connecting. While user can send the initial command by pressing "Home" button in the [Control] tab.
Select the printer in [Serial Port] drop down list which starts with prefix [TIER] follwed by [Serial No.] Press [Connect] and wait.
Upload to SD is the way to print task file exported by UP Studio. NO gcode support! DO NOT try to upload/print gcode file.
ONLY Upload to SD ! Tiertime printers not support gcode right now, so we send task file(*.tsk) to printer task list and print it.
We'll implement Upload after gcode is ready.