Here we're modeling Cryptol, a domain-specific language for cryptographic protocols developed by Galois, Inc.
module Data.Cryptol
Since we'll need to operate on vectors, we import Data.Vect
, which provides the Vect
data type.
import Data.Vect
TODO: Describe Bit
s and Word
public export
data Bit : Type where
O : Bit
I : Bit
||| A binary word is a vector of bits.
public export
Word : Nat -> Type
Word n = Vect n Bit
provides splitAt
splitAt : (n : Nat) -> (xs : Vect (n + m) a) -> (Vect n a, Vect m a)
... and partition
partition : (a -> Bool) -> Vect n a -> ((p ** Vect p a), (q ** Vect q a))
... but, not split
, so we define it here.
split : (n : Nat) -> (m : Nat) -> Vect (m * n) a -> Vect m (Vect n a)
split n Z [] = []
split n (S k) xs = take n xs :: split n k (drop n xs)
The TakeView
provides a way to pattern match on taking m
elements from a vector with m + n
elements, leaving a vector with n
elements remaining.
It's entirely similar to splitAt
and could probably be deprecated in favor of it.
public export
data TakeView : (a : Type) -> (m, n : Nat) -> Vect (m + n) a -> Type where
Take : (xs : Vect m a) -> (ys : Vect n a) -> TakeView a m n (xs ++ ys)
The covering function takeView
takes an m
and a vector with m + n
elements and returns the appropriate TakeView
, which can then be used for pattern matching.
N.B. As of now, this definition is not recursive and thus not the most efficient.
takeView : (m : Nat) -> (ys : Vect (m + n) a) -> TakeView a m n ys
takeView Z ys = Take [] ys
takeView (S k) (y :: ys') with (takeView k ys')
takeView (S k) (y :: (ys ++ zs)) | (Take ys zs) = Take (y :: ys) zs
public export
data SplitView : {n : Nat} -> (m : Nat) -> Vect (m * n) a -> Type where
Split : (xss : Vect m (Vect n a)) -> SplitView m (concat xss)
takeLemma : (ys : Vect n a) -> (zs : Vect m a) -> take n (ys ++ zs) = ys
takeLemma [] zs = Refl
takeLemma (y :: ys) zs = cong (takeLemma ys zs)
dropLemma : (ys : Vect n a) -> (zs : Vect m a) -> drop n (ys ++ zs) = zs
dropLemma [] zs = Refl
dropLemma (y :: ys) zs = dropLemma ys zs
splitConcatLemma : (xs : Vect (m * n) a) -> concat (split n m xs) = xs
splitConcatLemma {m = Z} [] = Refl
splitConcatLemma {m = S k} {n} xs with (takeView n xs)
splitConcatLemma {m = S k} {n} (ys ++ zs) | (Take ys zs) =
let inductiveHypothesis = splitConcatLemma zs {m=k} {n=n} in
rewrite takeLemma ys zs in
rewrite dropLemma ys zs in
rewrite inductiveHypothesis in
splitView : (n, m : Nat) -> (xs : Vect (m * n) a) -> SplitView m xs
splitView n m xs =
let prf = sym (splitConcatLemma xs {m = m} {n = n})
view = Split (split n m xs) {n = n} in
rewrite prf in view
swab : Word 32 -> Word 32
swab xs with (splitView 8 4 xs)
swab _ | Split [a, b, c, d] = concat [b, a, c, d]
public export
data U : Type where
VECT : Nat -> U -> U
public export
el : U -> Type
el BIT = Bit
el CHAR = Char
el NAT = Nat
el (VECT n u) = Vect n (el u)
parens : String -> String
parens str = "(" ++ str ++ ")"
show : {u : U} -> el u -> String
show {u = BIT} O = "O"
show {u = BIT} I = "I"
show {u = CHAR} c = singleton c
show {u = NAT} Z = "Zero"
show {u = NAT} (S k) = "Succ " ++ parens (show {u = NAT} k)
show {u = VECT Z a} [] = "Nil"
show {u = VECT (S k) a} (x :: xs)
= parens (show {u = a} x) ++ " :: " ++ parens (show {u = VECT k a} xs)
read : (u : U) -> List Bit -> Maybe (el u, List Bit)
read u xs = ?read_rhs
public export
data Format : Type where
Bad : Format
End : Format
Base : U -> Format
Plus : Format -> Format -> Format
Skip : Format -> Format -> Format
Read : (f : Format) -> (Fmt f -> Format) -> Format
public export
Fmt : Format -> Type
Fmt Bad = Void
Fmt End = Unit
Fmt (Base u) = el u
Fmt (Plus f1 f2) = Either (Fmt f1) (Fmt f2)
Fmt (Read f1 f2) = (x : Fmt f1 ** Fmt (f2 x))
Fmt (Skip _ f) = Fmt f
char : Char -> Format
char c = Read (Base CHAR) (\x => if (c == x) then End else Bad)
satisfy : (f : Format) -> (Fmt f -> Bool) -> Format
satisfy f pred = Read f (\x => if (pred x) then End else Bad)
(>>) : Format -> Format -> Format
f1 >> f2 = Skip f1 f2
(>>=) : (f : Format) -> (Fmt f -> Format) -> Format
x >>= f = Read x f
pbm : Format
pbm = char 'P' >>
char '4' >>
char ' ' >>
Base NAT >>= \n =>
char ' ' >>
Base NAT >>= \m =>
char '\n' >>
Base (VECT n (VECT m BIT)) >>= \bs =>
parse : (f : Format) -> List Bit -> Maybe (Fmt f, List Bit)
parse Bad bs = Nothing
parse End bs = Just ((), bs)
parse (Base u) bs = read u bs
parse (Plus f1 f2) bs with (parse f1 bs)
| Just (x, cs) = Just (Left x, cs)
| Nothing with (parse f2 bs)
| Just (y, ds) = Just (Right y, ds)
| Nothing = Nothing
parse (Skip f1 f2) bs with (parse f1 bs)
| Nothing = Nothing
| Just (_, cs) = parse f2 cs
parse (Read f1 f2) bs with (parse f1 bs)
| Nothing = Nothing
| Just (x, cs) with (parse (f2 x) cs)
| Nothing = Nothing
| Just (y, ds) = Just ((x ** y), ds)