By Sam Sehnert, Digital Fusion 2012
This is a jQuery plugin which allows developers to easily format numbers for display use. Allows users to replace numbers inline in a document, or return a formatted number for other uses.
See our jQuery Number Format article for more information.
The number method takes up to four parameters, but only the first one is required.
Number: The number you want to format.
$.number( 5020.2364 ); // Outputs 5,020
Decimal Places: The number of decimal places you wish to see. Defaults to 0.
$.number( 5020.2364, 2 ); // Outputs: 5,020.24
Decimal Separator: The character(s) to use as a decimal separator. Defaults to '.'.
$.number( 135.8729, 3, ',' ); // Outputs: 135,873
Thousands Separtor: The character(s) to use as a thousands separator. Defaults to ','.
$.number( 5020.2364, 1, ',', ' ' ); // Outputs: 5 020,2
$('.selector').number( 1234, 2 ); // Changes the text value of the element matching selector to the formatted number.
Assuming we have the following structure:
<span class="number">1025.8702</span>
<span class="number">18023</span>
<span class="number">982.3</span>
<span class="number">.346323</span>
We can use this JavaScript:
// the 'true' signals we should read and replace the text contents of the target element.
$('span.number').number( true, 2 )
And come away with this result:
<span class="number">1,025.87</span>
<span class="number">18,023.00</span>
<span class="number">982.30</span>
<span class="number">0.35</span>