This repository provides the OmpSs programming model integrated with the Maxeler runtime system, in order to run Maxeler tasks from OmpSs, in Maxeler hardware.
Clone this repository on a machine with the Maxeler hardware and software already installed.
Setup the environment variables for configure and compilation: load Vivado and Maxcompiler modules
$ module load vivado maxcompiler
set LDFLAGS to find libslic.a during compilation
$ export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/Software/maxeler/maxcompiler-2018.3.1/lib/ -lslic -lcurl"
configure nanos++
$ /configure --prefix=<nanos++-installation-directory> --with-maxcompiler= --with-maxeleros=
compile nanos++
$ make
Install nanos++
$ make install
Configure Mercurium
$ /configure --prefix= --with-nanox=<nanos++-installation-directory> --enable-ompss --enable-openmp
Compile Mercurium
$ make
Install Mercurium
$ make install
** Example gemm **
Directory gemm contains a sample matrix multiplication that can be built using the Nanos++ runtime with Maxeler support
gemm/ Makefile # compilation command lines for the CPU code mm_test_max.c mm_test_panels.c # three different drivers for executing matrix mult. mm_test_panels_nodep.c # script for compilation of the DFE kernel
src/gemm/ GemmEngineParameters.maxj # kernel parameters GemmManagerMax5.maxj # kernel for Max5 (Jumax) compilation GemmManager.maxj # kernel for Max4 compilation