A set of examples for KVision framework.
A minimal KVision application with simplified build configuration. A perfect project for quick start.
An application template. It does nothing, but includes all dependencies to develop KVision applications with all supported components (including unit tests). A perfect starting point for a new application.
A very simple application with almost no optional modules.
A simple application presenting all main features of KVision framework.
An address book application presenting a classic CRUD project with Material-like CSS template from Bootswatch.
An address book application rewritten with a Tabulator module.
A very simple desktop with four mini applications - a calculator, a text editor, a paint program and a web browser.
The list of Pokémon with live search, build with Redux module. It's also a fully compatible PWA.
A complete implementation of TodoMVC demo application.
A complete implementation of TodoMVC demo application developed with Ballast application state management framework.
An example mobile application created with KVision's bindings for Onsen UI library. It's an almost 1 to 1 rewrite of an official Vue Kitchen Sink example. It presents how to use all Onsen UI visual components with fully type-safe Kotlin API and DSL builders.
See live demo with iOS platform
See live demo with Android platform
A demo application created with Patternfly UI toolkit. It shows how to create KVision application with a modern design system alternative to Bootstrap. The application is heavily inspired by Patternfly Kotlin project.
A demo application created with Fomantic-UI toolkit. It shows how to create KVision application with a modern design system alternative to Bootstrap. It also presents state management based on Kotlin flows (using both StateFlow and SharedFlow).
A complete, fullstack address book application. It presents an innovative way to build fullstack applications with KVision and Ktor, Jooby, Spring Boot, Javalin, Vert.x or Micronaut frameworks. KVision closely integrates the client and the server side of the project with a shared data model and fully type-safe connectivity between both sides (based on automatically generated routings and JSON-RPC endpoints). The example project utilizes:
- H2 SQL database (local) or PostgreSQL database (configured on Heroku)
- Exposed Kotlin SQL library for database connectivity (used in Ktor, Javalin and Vert.x versions)
- Spring Data R2DBC with Kotlin Coroutines extensions (used in Spring Boot and Micronaut version)
- Kwery ORM for database connectivity (used in Jooby version)
- Pac4J security engine for authentication and profile management (used in Jooby version)
The architecture of the project is heavily based on Kotlin coroutines, wrapping asynchronous client-server calls into easy-to-read synchronous-like code.
A simple application to convert integer numbers to words by using JVM Tradukisto library.
A simple application to encode the given text, based on the overview chapter from the KVision guide.
A simple, multiplatform, message board application based on websocket communication.
A fullstack application template (versions for all supported frameworks). A starting point for a new application.
A fullstack MPP application created without KVision, but using kvision-remote module for server-side connectivity. It's based on an official Ktor MPP example.
An application template for Electron framework. It shows how to build cross-platform (Windows, Linux, MacOS), desktop applications with KVision and Kotlin.
An application template for Apache Cordova framework. It shows how to build mobile (Android, iOS), hybrid applications with KVision and Kotlin.