Variant of arping tool which is a part of iputils(Based on version iputils-s20121221), customized IP/MAC address of source/destination is allow to be used.
Usage: arping [-fqbuDUAV] [-c count] [-w timeout] [-I device] [-s source-ip] [-S source-mac] [-d desc-mac] destination -f : quit on first reply -q : be quiet -b : keep broadcasting, don't go unicast -u : always unicast -D : duplicate address detection mode -U : Unsolicited ARP mode, update your neighbours -A : ARP answer mode, update your neighbours -V : print version and exit -c count : how many packets to send -w timeout : how long to wait for a reply -i interval : interval in seconds between sending packets -I device : which ethernet device to use -s source-ip : source ip address -S source-mac : source MAC address -d dest-mac : MAC address of destination destination : ask for what ip address
Example: arping -I eth0 -c 2 -i 1 -s -S 44:44:44:44:44:44 -d 88:88:88:88:88:88