Golang application performance data monitoring.
GoAppMonitor is a library which provides a monitor on your golang applications. It contains system level based monitoring and business level monitoring(custom monitoring).Just add the repository into your apps and registe what you want to monitoring.
Using GoAppMonitor to monitor the golang applications, in general as following:
In your golang application code, the user calls the statistics function provided by goappmonitor; when the statistics function is called, the perfcounter generates a statistical record, and is stored in memory.GoAppMonitor will automatically and regularly record these statistics push to the collector such as Open-Falcon collector(agent or transfer).
version support collector:
v0.0.1 - Open-Falcon (Open source monitoring system of Xiaomi)
go get github.com/wgliang/goappmonitor
Below is an example which shows some common use cases for goappmonitor. Check example for more usage.
package main
import (
appm "github.com/wgliang/goappmonitor"
func main() {
go basic() // 基础统计器
go senior() // 高级统计器
select {}
func basic() {
for _ = range time.Tick(time.Second * time.Duration(10)) {
// (常用) Meter,用于累加求和、计算变化率。使用场景如,统计首页访问次数、gvm的CG次数等。
pv := int64(rand.Int() % 100)
appm.Meter("test.meter", pv)
appm.Meter("test.meter.2", pv-50)
// (常用) Gauge,用于保存数值类型的瞬时记录值。使用场景如,统计队列长度、统计CPU使用率等
queueSize := int64(rand.Int()%100 - 50)
appm.Gauge("test.gauge", queueSize)
cpuUtil := float64(rand.Int()%10000) / float64(100)
appm.GaugeFloat64("test.gauge.float64", cpuUtil)
func senior() {
for _ = range time.Tick(time.Second) {
// Histogram,使用指数衰减抽样的方式,计算被统计对象的概率分布情况。使用场景如,统计主页访问延时的概率分布
delay := int64(rand.Int() % 100)
appm.Histogram("test.histogram", delay)
Repository is base on goperfcounter of niean
Logo is desigend by xuri