This is a pure Python implementation of a neural-network based Go AI, using TensorFlow.
This is based off of Brian Lee's "MuGo" -- a pure Python implementation of the first AlphaGo paper published in Nature, adapted and extended to the architecture described in the second.
The goal of this project is to reproduce the results of the original paper through an open-source implementation using the Google Cloud Platform and open-source pipeline tools. A secondary goal is to provide a clear set of learning examples for establishing RL pipelines on various hardware accelerators available in TensorFlow.
An explicit non-goal is to produce a competitive program, and the original non-goal of MuGo -- "diving into the fiddly bits of optimizing" -- is preserved in the service of the secondary goal above :)
Start by installing Tensorflow and the dependencies, optionally into a virtualenv if you so choose. First:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Then, you must either install CUDA 8.0 (See Tensorflow documentation) or downgrade to non-gpu tensorflow. To downgrade:
pip3 uninstall tensorflow-gpu
pip3 install tensorflow
python3 -m unittest discover tests
If you just want to get MuGo Zero working, you can download the latest model at... (TODO)
Or build a random model with:
BUCKET_NAME=foobar python3 bootstrap models/random_model
To watch MuGo Zero play a game:
python3 selfplay path/to/model -r READOUTS -g GAMES -v 3
is how many searches to make per move, and GAMES
is how
many games to play simultaneously. Timing information and statistics will be
printed at each move. Setting verbosity to 3 or higher will print a board at each move.
MuGo Zero uses the GTP protocol, and you can use any gtp-compliant program with it.
python3 gtp path/to/model -r READOUTS -v 3
(If no model is provided, it will initialize one with random values)
After some loading messages, it will display GTP engine ready
, at which point
it can receive commands. GTP cheatsheet:
genmove [color] # Asks the engine to generate a move for a side
play [color] [coordinate] # Tells the engine that a move should be played for `color` at `coordinate`
showboard # Asks the engine to print the board.
One way to play via GTP is to use gogui-display (which implements a UI that speaks GTP.) You can download the gogui set of tools at See also documentation on interesting ways to use GTP.
gogui-twogtp -black 'python3 gtp policy --read-file=saved_models/20170718' -white 'gogui-display' -size 19 -komi 7.5 -verbose -auto
Another way to play via GTP is to play against GnuGo, while spectating the games
BLACK="gnugo --mode gtp"
WHITE="python3 gtp path/to/model"
TWOGTP="gogui-twogtp -black \"$BLACK\" -white \"$WHITE\" -games 10 \
-size 19 -alternate -sgffile gnugo"
gogui -size 19 -program "$TWOGTP" -computer-both -auto
Another way to play via GTP is to connect to CGOS, the Computer Go Online Server. The CGOS server hosted by is actually abandoned; you'll want to connect to the CGOS server at
After configuring your cgos.config file, you can connect to CGOS with cgosGtp -c cgos.config
and spectate your own game with cgosView 6819
Generate training chunks:
python3 gather
This will look in data/selfplay
for games and write chunks to data/training_chunks
. See for description of the other arguments
Run the training job:
python3 train train training_data_dir \
--load-file=path/to/model \
--save-file=where/to/save/model \
As the network is trained, the current model will be saved at --save-file
. If you reexecute the same command, the network will pick up training where it left off.
Additionally, you can follow along with the training progress with TensorBoard - if you give each run a different name (logs/my_training_run
, logs/my_training_run2
), you can overlay the runs on top of each other.
tensorboard --logdir=path/to/tensorboard/logs/
As you might notice, playing games is fairly slow. One way to speed up playing games is to run MuGo Zero on many computers simultaneously. MuGo Zero was originally trained via a pipeline running many selfplay-workers simultaneously. The worker jobs are built into containers and run on a Kubernetes cluster, hosted on the Google Cloud Platform (TODO: links for installing GCP SDK, kubectl, etc.)
NOTE These commands will result in VMs being created and will result in charges to your GCP account! Proceed with care!
A Kubernetes cluster instantiates nodes on a node pool, which specifies what types of host machines are available. Jobs can be run on the cluster by specifying details such as what containers to run, how many are needed, what arguments they take, etc. Pods are created to run individual containers -- the pods themselves run on the nodes.
In our case, we won't let kubernetes resize of our node pool dynamically, we'll manually specify how many machines we want: this means kubernetes will leave machines running even if they're not doing anything! So be sure to clean up your clusters...
Now, what the cluster will do:
3 main tasks:
- selfplay -- all but one of the nodes
- training -- one node
- evaluation -- dunno lol ¯(ツ)/¯
The main way these jobs interact is the filesystem -- which is just a GCS bucket mounted as a fuse filesystem inside their container.
The selfplay jobs will find the newest model in their directory of models and play games with it, writing the games out to a different directory in the bucket.
The training job will collect games from that directory and turn it into chunks, which it will use to play a new model.
the evaluation job will collect the new model, evaluate it against the old one, and bless it into the directory of models if it meets expectations.
Switch to the
directory -
Set the common environment variables in
corresponding to your GCP project and bucket names. -
, which will: a. Create a bucket b. Create a service account c. Grant permissions d. Fetch the keys. If any of the above have already been done, the script will fail. At a minimum, run step 'd' to create the keyfile. -
or (cluster-up-gpu
), which will: a. Create a Google Container Engine cluster with some number of VMs b. Load its credentials locally c. Load those credentials into ourkubectl
environment, which will let us control the cluster from the command line.Creating the cluster might take a while... Once its done, you should be able to see something like this:
$ kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION gke-mugo-default-pool-b09dcf70-08rp Ready <none> 5m v1.7.8-gke.0 gke-mugo-default-pool-b09dcf70-0q5w Ready <none> 5m v1.7.8-gke.0 gke-mugo-default-pool-b09dcf70-1zmm Ready <none> 5m v1.7.8-gke.0 gke-mugo-default-pool-b09dcf70-50vm Ready <none> 5m v1.7.8-gke.0
(Optional, GPU only). If you've set up a GPU enabled cluster, you'll need to install the NVIDIA drivers on each of the nodes in your cluster that will have GPU workers. This is accomplished by running:
kubectl apply -f gpu-provision-daemonset.yaml
- Resizing your cluster.
gcloud alpha container clusters resize $CLUSTER_NAME --zone=$ZONE --size=8
You will need a Docker image in order to initialize the pods.
First you need to update the param in the Makefile
source common
sed -i "s/tensor-go/$PROJECT/" Makefile
Then make
will produce and push the image!
CPU worker:
make image
make push
GPU worker:
make gpu-image
make gpu-push
Now that our cluster is set up, lets check some values on our player job before deploying a bunch of copies:
In cluster/player.yaml
(or cluster/gpu-player.yaml
) check the 'parallelism'
field. This is how many pods will try to run at once: if you can run multiple
pods per node (CPU nodes), you can set it accordingly. For GPUs, which don't
share as well, limit the parallelism to the number of nodes available.
Now launch the job via the launcher. (it just subs in the environment variable for the bucket name, neat!)
source common
envsubst < player.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
Once you've done this, you can verify they're running via
kubectl get jobs
and get a list of pods with
kubectl get pods
Tail the logs of an instance:
kubectl logs -f <name of pod>
Check your gcloud -- authorized? Correct default zone settings?
Check the project name, cluster name, & bucket name variables in the
script. Did you change things?- If Yes: Grep for the original string. Depending on what you changed, you may need to change the yaml files for the selfplay workers.
Create the service account and bucket, if needed, by running
, or the relevant lines therein. -
Check the number of machines and machine types in the
script. -
Set up the cluster as above and start the nvidia driver installation daemonset
While the nvidia drivers are getting installed on the fleet, check the various hyperparameters and operating parameters:
, check the board
, check theget_default_hyperparams
, the invocation selfplay
has the readout depth, game parallelism,
, check the (currently static) resign threshold, the move threshold for move 'temperature' (affects deterministic play), and the max game
, check the default params on 'gather'
, check the noise density and the tree branching factor (lol good luck)
, check the cluster name, directory for tensorflow logs, and constants at the top of the file.
Seed the model directory with a randomly initialized model. (
python3 bootstrap /path/to/where/you/want/new/model
) -
Copy the model to the GCS bucket. (
gsutil cp /path/to/model* gs://bucket/models/
etc) -
Build your docker images with the latest version of the code, optionally bumping the version number in the Makefile.
Don't forget to push the images!
Now you can launch your job on the cluster -- check the parallelism in the spec! -- per the instructions above. You should let the selfplay cluster finish up a bunch of games before you need to start running the training job, so now's a good time to make sure things are going well.
Getting a list of the selfplay games ordered by most recent start
kubectl get po --sort-by=.status.startTime
Attaching to a running pod (to check e.g. cpu utilization, what actual code is in your container, etc)
kubectlc exec -it <pod id> /bin/bash
Monitoring how long it's taking the daemonset to install the nvidia driver on your nodes
kubectl get no -w -o yaml | grep -E 'hostname:|nvidia-gpu'
Setting up logging via stackdriver, plus metrics, bla bla.
If you've run rsync to collect a set of SGF files (cheatsheet: python smart-rsync --source-dir="gs://$BUCKET_NAME/sgf/" --from-model-num 0 --game-dir=sgf/
), here are some handy
bashisms to run on them:
Find the proportion of games won by one color:
grep "B+" **/*.sgf | wc -l
or e.g. "B+R", etc to search for how many by resign etc.
A histogram of game lengths (uses the 'ministat' package)
find . -name "*.sgf" -exec /bin/sh -c 'tr -cd \; < {} | wc -c' \; | ministats
Get output of the most frequent first moves
grep -oh '^;B\[[a-s]*\]' **/*.sgf | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
Distribution of game-winning margin (ministat, again):
find . -name "*.sgf" -exec /bin/sh -c 'grep -o "W+[[:digit:]]*" < {} | cut -c3-' \; | ministat