Collector: Jiangtang Hu (
#To avoid any dependencies, submit the following codes to use it:
filename list url "";
%inc list;
%range: produces a sequence like 1 2 3 or f1 f2 f3 or 1a 2a 3a
%range_non_int: increment a macro do loop by a non-integer value
%suffix_counter: Create a list of variable names formed by adding a numeric counter suffix to a base name.
%getVar: get all variables (N, C or all) from a dataset
%qreadpipe: read the output of a system command
%dir: return a list of members of a directory
%dirfpq: return a list of full-path quoted of members of a directory
%changesep: change the separator for a list
%seplist: Emit a list of items separated by some delimiter
%splitmac: insert split characters in a macro string
%capmac: capitalise the first letter of each word in a macro string
%qt: add quotes to each element in a list
%quotelst: quote the elements of a list
%upt: remove quotes from each element of a list
%qdequote: remove front and end matching quotes from a macro string
%dequote: remove front and end matching quotes from a macro string
%noquotes: remove all quoted strings from a macro expression
%quotecnt: count quoted strings in a macro expression
%quotescan: scan for a quoted string in a macro expression
- %num_tokens: Count the number of “tokens” (variables) in a list.
- %countW: Retrieve the number of words in a macro variable
- %words: return the number of words in a string
- %windex: return the word count position in a string
##List Manipulation
%slice: return a sub-list sliced by a index
%zip: zips two lists together by joining correponding elements, see, a b and c d ==> ac bd
%parallel_join: Join two variable lists by connecting each variable in the first list to its correspondingvariable in the second list
%add_string: Add a text string to each variable in a list as either a prefix or suffix
%xprod: take cross product of two lists, see, a b and c d ==> ac ad bc bd
%appmvar: append a string onto an existing macro variable
%prefix: return a list with a prefix added
%suffix: return a list with a suffix added
%replace: replace symbolic variable in block of code with each element of a list, see, a b and code = #=__# ==> a=__a b=__b
%rename_string: Create a list suitable for the rename statement
%editlist: edit a list of space delimited items
%nodup: drop duplicates in a space-delimited list
%match: return elements of a list that match those in a reference list
%remove: remove all occurrences of the target string(s) from another string
%removew: remove all occurrences of the target word(s) from a source list of words.
%reverse: Reverse a macro variable's value (use %sysfunc(reverse) since v6.12)
%MLSORT2: sort a macro list
%MLSORT3: sort a macro list
%sorted: sort
%order: sort
%for: for each operation