See project running at:
Presentation at:
- Start a Solr instance on port 8982:
bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:start
Start a Solr instance on port 8981:
bundle exec sunspot-solr run -p 8981
Run the tests:
bundle exec rake spec
If desired, stop the Solr instance:
bundle exec sunspot-solr stop
Objects are automatically indexed to Solr as a part of the save callbacks.
There are a number of ways to index manually within Ruby:
On a class itself
Product.reindex Sunspot.commit
On mixed objects
Sunspot.index [product1, ncm2] Sunspot.index product3 Sunspot.commit
With autocommit
Sunspot.index! [product1, product2, ncm3]
If you make a change to the object's "schema" (code in the searchable block), you must reindex all objects so the changes are reflected in Solr:
bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:reindex
or, to be specific to a certain model with a certain batch size:
bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:reindex[500,Post]
some shells will require escaping [ with [ and ] with ]
to skip the prompt asking you if you want to proceed with the reindexing:
bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:reindex[,,true]
some shells will require escaping [ with [ and ] with ]
bundle exec bin/resque work -c ./.resque