Hydrological Model (v.1.0.0)
This project implements the Python code of the underground (stochastic) hydrological model that was developed during my postdoctoral tenure at the Dept. of Earth & Planetary Science, U. C. Berkeley, (2013 - 2016).
There might be updates in the future, but this first version is now fully operational. The data (water table depths, precipitation values, etc.) are not available online and could be accessible only through communication to Prof. Inez Fung (PI of the project).
The work is described with details in two (open access) publications:
Michail D. Vrettas and Inez Y. Fung (2015). "Toward a new parameterization of hydraulic conductivity in climate models: Simulation of rapid groundwater fluctuations in Northern California". Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES), vol. (7), issue (4), pp:2105-2135, https://doi.org/10.1002/2015MS000516.
Michail D. Vrettas and Inez Y. Fung (2017). "Sensitivity of transpiration to subsurface properties: Exploration with a 1-D model". Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES), vol. (9), issue (2), pp:1030-1045. https://doi.org/10.1002/2016MS000901.
For any comments please contact me.
M. Vrettas, PhD.