is a SDL2 V module and a wrapper around libSDL2
The module strives to support 100% of the SDL2 API.
So, among many other things, you can:
- basic graphics (2D drawing)
- input handling (keyboard/gamepad/joystick events)
- sounds
- music
Currently available APIs:
- audio (SDL_audio.h)
- blendmode (SDL_blendmode.h)
- clipboard (SDL_clipboard.h)
- cpuinfo (SDL_cpuinfo.h)
- endian (SDL_endian.h)
- error (SDL_error.h)
- events (SDL_events.h)
- filesystem (SDL_filesystem.h)
- haptic (SDL_haptic.h)
- hints (SDL_hints.h)
- joystick (SDL_joystick.h)
- keyboard (SDL_keyboard.h)
- keycode (SDL_keycode.h)
- loadso (SDL_loadso.h)
- log (SDL_log.h)
- messagebox (SDL_messagebox.h)
- mouse (SDL_mouse.h)
- pixels (SDL_pixels.h)
- quit (SDL_quit.h)
- rect (SDL_rect.h)
- render (SDL_render.h)
- rwops (SDL_rwops.h)
- scancode (SDL_scancode.h)
- sdl (SDL_sdl.h)
- surface (SDL_surface.h)
- timer (SDL_timer.h)
- version (SDL_version.h)
- video (SDL_video.h)
- vulkan (SDL_vulkan.h)
Currently available SDL2 modules:
- image, for image load, save and render support
- ttf, for TTF font support and text rendering
- mixer, for audio mixing
sdl is supported on:
- Linux (major distros)
- MacOS (brew)
- Windows
You can run the tVintris example like this :
v run examples/tvintris/tvintris.v
$ sudo dnf install SDL2-devel SDL2_ttf-devel SDL2_mixer-devel SDL2_image-devel
$ sudo apt install libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-image-dev
$ sudo pacman -S sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_ttf
$ sudo swupd bundle-add devpkg-SDL2_ttf devpkg-SDL2_mixer devpkg-SDL2_image
$ brew install sdl2 sdl2_gfx sdl2_ttf sdl2_mixer sdl2_image sdl2_net
If you get no music with the above, try:
$ brew reinstall --build-from-source --force sdl2 sdl2_gfx sdl2_image sdl2_mixer sdl2_net sdl2_ttf webp libtiff libmodplug libogg
$ .github\workflows\windows-install-sdl.bat
- nsauzede
- spytheman
- adlesh
- Larpon