2021-12-11: Refresh
2021-06-01: Update R version 4.1.0
2021-03-21: Update R version
2020-12-30: Refresh packages
2020-10-27: Update R version
2020-09-16: Update of the image
2020-04-19: Added golem
, cranlogs
packages, more elaborated readme file,
2020-04-12: Update to R version 3.6.3
To allow usage of R-Studio in a portable way using Docker Container
docker build -t vladdsm/docker-r-studio .
- to build imagedocker login
- to authenticatedocker push vladdsm/docker-r-studio
- to push image to docker hub.
docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 -e USER=myself -e PASSWORD=guest -v /Users/vladdsm/R_Studio_Shared:/home/myself/projects vladdsm/docker-r-studio
Note: Create all your projects in the mapped local folder: e.g. /Users/vladdsm/R_Studio_Shared
- Access running container with the browser:
, once prompted add your username and password... - Create new project inside folder 'projects'.
- All working projects will be synchronised to the local computer in the folder
docker push vladdsm/docker-r-studio
docker save vladdsm/docker-r-studio > docker-r-studio.tar
docker images
- get image id
`docker rmi
docker load --input docker-r-studio.tar
From another terminal while container is running
docker ps
- to find container ID
docker exec -it [container ID ] bash
to use bash in the running container and perform manipulations with container
docker commit -m 'comment' [container ID] vladdsm/docker-r-studio
to save changes
Only use this procedure for troubleshooting purposes
docker tag vladdsm/docker-r-studio vladdsm/docker-r-studio:Version1.0
docker push vladdsm/docker-r-studio:Version1.0
docker pull vladdsm/docker-r-studio