This steps assume you are working on an up to date lamp enviroment.
- Symfony Documentation
- Cloning the app
Clone the repo to your local machine. This should be done inside your localhost root.
This command will create the folde sampleApp inside the folder where you execute this command.
After this all the commands in this doc assume you're inside the sampleApp folder
- Install Symfony vendors
php composer.phar update
This will populate the folder /vendor
This step might require to install the php-composer package
- Create the database
The default user is root with an empty password. To change this params modify /app/config/parameters.yml
php app/console doctrine:database:create
php app/console doctrine:schema:create
php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
- Change permissions
sudo chmod -R 777 app/cache
sudo chmod -R 777 app/logs
- Start the app