#####Overview This is the complete core of Tapestry OS, a Unix-Like Operating System in C. This will eventually be utilized to run long range wireless networking and thin clients for the Tapestry network.
Maintain a solid system for which networking, radio frequency modulation, and custom-rom thin clients/video games can be developed with ease.
Develop a robust, abstract, kernel with several different architectures and internal gateways that will provide different types of functionality for switching roms to various games, applications, methods, etc, running directly from the kernel as a window manager. This makes reboots for modes more frequent but will boost performance greatly.
#####Overview This is a simple process and will remain as such if instructions are followed carefully.
#####Configuration This is currently not an option, though it will be in the future.
#####Virtualization Simply run tapestry.iso as a CD Rom. This can be done with bochs, qemu, or virtualbox-ose easily.
qemu --cdrom img/tapestry.iso --boot d -soundhw all
#####Finalizing There is currently nothing to finalize.
#####Overview The roles that follow are separated within a directory specific to its name. Within these directories, each role will have its format and place in the order of the system as it runs. The role will dictate where a particular feature will need to go and from there we can maintain quite a vast sense of universal ability.
#####Boot This is where various ASM Bootloader sources are held.
#####Source Information regarding the code will be added soon.