Website des Fachschaftsrats der Fachrichtung Sprachwissenschaft und Sprachtechnologie an der Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken. / Website of the student council of the departement of Language Science and Technology at the Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany.
Aktuelle Website siehe / Current website at
Right now (May 2021) the repository is not regulary synced with the servers. Therefore the current website and the github repository might be different.
script would sync this github repositiory with the server, but it only works if you know up's password ;-)
If you would like to try it locally, you can do the following:
- Navigate to the folder where this README resides.
- If it's not already executable, make
chmod +x gradlew
- Then call
./gradlew build
(this may take a while if you do it for the first time, next time it will be faster)
This will create a folder called build
. The starting page of this website is now at build/site/index.html
4. Open build/site/index.html
with your favourite browser:
firefox ./build/site/index.html
google-chrome ./build/site/index.html
- If you make any changes, you first have to call
gradlew build
again (see step 3) and in your browser reload the page.