The purpose of this tool is to have a fully portable kubectl
command line tool with a few convinience utilities.
Quick testing of a cluster with well-known/customized kubectl
v 1.17.2kubectl
bash completionkrew
cluster monitoring tool- common .bashrc aliases
After running docker container, all the clusters running on the localhost should be available for kubectl
- zsh
docker build --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t piotrzan/kubectl-comp "." - this builds image with bash shell
docker build --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t piotrzan/kubectl-comp:zsh "." - this builds image with zsh shell
Use run.ps1
for windows or linux respectivels.
Alternatively use docker-compose.yaml, this works by mounting a volume on the $HOME/.kube folder on the host.
Run contianer with passthrough to local network
docker run -d --network=host --name=kubectl-host --rm -it piotrzan/kubectl-comp
Generate raw config from kubeclt on localhost and copy the config to the container
kubeclt config view --raw > config docker cp ./config kubectl-host:./root/.kube
Attach back to the contianer with kubeconfig file containing info about clusters running on localhost
docker attach kubectl-host
If you would like to add your own customization or krew
plugins, you can easily do it and use docker commit
to create your own version of the image.