is a techonology-laden kegerator, developed by some thirsty Seattle tech employees, to satisfy their nerdiest beer-drinking needs. It's built on node.js, and utilizes an arduino microcontroller for interfacing with various HW and sensors that are attached to the kegerator itself.
It's got several cool features, including:
- Gravatar support
- Twitter integration
- Beer consumption stats
The arduino interfaces with the following sensors/HW:
- WiFly wireless card (enables wireless communication with the server)
- Temperature sensor (measures current keg temperature)
- RFID reader (identifies users and controls access to precious beer resources)
- Flow sensor (measures the rate/volume of beer pours)
- Misc. status LEDs accepts two types of clients: web browser and kegerator.
A web browser client connects to to view kegerator activity. A kegerator client connects to to send and receive sensor information. can accept multiple connections from both web browsers and kegerators.
This assumes you've already installed a working copy of node.js, that is relatively recent (>= v0.6), along with npm, the node.js package manager. See the node js site for more info on installing node.js and npm.
Get the code and install all deps:
git clone
npm install
Install mongo DB. On OSX, it's easiest to use homebrew:
brew install mongodb
Copy the sample config and key files, and set any necessary configuration options in the resulting files. The keys.json file contains a mapping of all the access and secret keys for authorized kegerator clients. This file should not be checked in, or made publicly accessible in any way:
cp conf/configuration-sample.json conf/configuration.json
cp conf/keys-sample.json conf/keys.json
Startup up mongo DB:
Create an initial database (with some 'seed' data) for to use. (This same command can be used to rebuild the database at any time in the future): --rebuild
Run the server with the default configuration file (conf/configuration.json):
Get usage/option information: --help
(Depending on the port/HW/OS you're running on, you may need sudo privs to get node to open the configured port)
Connect a client UI by opening a browser and navigating to the proper IP/port, per the server's config.
HTML documentation for the 'important' code can be found in the doc/ directory.
Automated testing uses mocha. To make use of the test suite, first install mocha globally.
sudo npm install -g mocha
Once mocha is installed, just run mocha from the root source directory.