Image Courtesy of IMBD.
- Shanara Hawkins @ShanaraTech
- Emmanuel Presley @EmanPresley
- Ivette Reese @Ivette12345
- Jon Unger @Ungernator12
The TV show “House” served as inspiration for our group’s data science project, HEALTHhOUSE. We plan to combine our knowledge of Flask web application development, machine learning, algorithms and data visualizations to create a model that predicts diseases based on a pattern of symptoms. The plan for our predictive model is to assist users in identifying potential illnesses more efficiently, mirroring Dr. House and his medical team’s diagnostic prowess.
Detailed analysis to come. In the meantime, take a look at our project proposal: HEALTHhOUSE: A dISEASE Discovery Tool PDF to learn more about the Datasets, our ETL, Web App and Dashboard creation methods, Limitation, Bias, Future Work, and Works Cited. Stay Healthy!
- Python/Jupyter Notebook
- Machine Learning/AI
- Plotly
- Tableau
- Flask API
- JavaScript
- Plotly and/or Leaflet
- Click on this [link](Link to come: March 27, 2024) to be redirected to our landing page.
- Next, you'll find the following three titles that serve as additional links to other sections in our project: Tableau Dashboard, ML/AI Disease Recommender Tool, and About Us.
- [HEALTHhOUSE Dashboard](Link to come: March 27, 2024)
- Description coming soon!
- [Tableau Dashboard & Visualizations](Link to Come: March 27, 2024)
- Description coming soon!
- [About Us: We Are NOT Doctors.](Link to Come: March 27, 2024)
- Meet our group project contributors and read more about us.
We would like to extend a special shout out to our Professor and our outstanding TA for their invaluable support and guidance in tackling complex webpage coding, database integration, and assisting us with troubleshooting crucial functions for our HEALTHhouse Dashboard, Recommender tool, and Webpages to function appropriately. Their unwavering commitment during our journey as Data Scientists has been nothing short of inspiring. Many thanks to you both!
- Southern Methodist University Data Science CAPE Instructional Staff
- Professor: Alexander Booth @ABoothInTheWild
- Assistant Teaching Professor: Sherhone Grant @SherhoneGrantDS