GitHub Releases The Latest Package Listening and Migration Tool.
After setting up the configuration file, deploy this application to the server, download the latest Release package locally and generate a JSON file to boot for public download.
This is a small example of the Go+ language in a practical application scenario.
Served at:
How will it help me?
InGop needs to provide everyone with the latest version of Go+, and this little tool written using Go+ helps me to listen to the latest version of Go+ on GitHub and then provide updates to users who don't have easy access to GitHub.
Here you can see my information on gop code migration:
- Latest version information:
- Update information log file:
It's the file called config.yaml
This is an example:
# GitHub's account and password, which you will need to freely access the GitHub api
username: your-username
password: your-password
# Your tasks
run-state: true # Whether to run this task, ture: run false: do not run.
username: goplus # GitHub Repository Author Name.
repository: gop # GitHub Repository Name.
interval-seconds: 7200 # How often to check if the latest version has been migrated, parameter is seconds.
storage-location: /tmp/goplus/gop # Target storage directory, including log files and configuration files, must already exist.
public-url: # Links to download files after migration, followed by automatically spliced file names, The implementation of the download needs to be done by you.
- # Here is the second task and you can have many
run-state: true
username: goplus
repository: c2go
interval-seconds: 7200
storage-location: /tmp/goplus/c2go
Here are some of the files generated:
These files are generated in the storage-location configuration directory of each task.
goplus_gop_releases_id.log <-- Repository version id, please do not delete
goplus_gop_source_code_v1.1.3.tar.gz <-- Migrated code zip
goplus_gop_update.log <-- Update Log
releases.json <-- Generated version information
Download the files you need in Releases and upload them to your server
Run to the background
nohup ./releases-migration &
If you want to shut down you can find the pid and kill -9 [PID]
ps -aux | grep releases-migration
Reproduction down
git clone
cd releases-migration
With go+ installed, go to the root directory to download and compile
go mod download && gop build