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Tracing tool for microcontrollers. Inspired from minitrace.
Microtrace is a header-only library targeting microcontrollers for producing JSON traces suitable for Chrome's built-in trace viewer (chrome://tracing).
Note: Is in very early developpement and currently has only been tested on STM32 microcontrollers
Comming soon
You need to have printf()
printing somewhere in order to dump the JSON file. You also need some kind of function to measure the number of microseconds elapsed since start of program. See Configuration for more details.
Copy paste microtrace.h into your project, include the file and use it like this:
#include "microtrace.h"
void main(void) {
/* ... */
MICROTRACE_BEGIN("Perif", "Camera Init", 1);
MICROTRACE_END("Perif", "Camera Init", 1);
MICROTRACE_BEGIN("Main", "Main loop", 1);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
MICROTRACE_BEGIN("Image proc", "Equalize histogram", 1)
/* Processing here */
MICROTRACE_END("Image proc", "Equalize histogram", 1)
MICROTRACE_END("Main", "Main loop", 1);
MICROTRACE_INSTANT("Main", "Instantaneous event", 1);
MICROTRACE_BEGIN("Parallel", "DMA task", 2);
/* Parallel task here */
MICROTRACE_END("Parallel", "DMA task", 2);
will dump a json file through printf()
, if you are using a UART, you can do
cat /dev/ttyACMX > trace.json
We will then be able to open the trace with Chrome tracing tool by openning chrome://tracing and clicking Load button
Please refer to Chrome documentation on how to use this tool.
Note: If the maximum number of events is reached (see Configuration).
will be automatically called and the program will go in infinite loop.
Please refer to microtrace.h
This work is under MIT License. See License file for more info.