This package can quickly scan source code for calls to ray()
, rd()
, Ray::*
, and ->ray()
helper methods from the spatie/ray and spatie/laravel-ray packages.
The primary use case is when calls to ray()
cannot be left in source code before deploying, even if ray is disabled. This package does NOT remove the calls, it simply displays their locations so they can be removed manually.
The exit code of the x-ray
command is zero if no ray calls are found, and non-zero if calls are found. This allows the package to be used in an automated environment such as Github Workflows.
Visit for information on downloading the Ray debugging app.
composer require spatie/x-ray --dev
Specify one or more valid path names and/or filenames to scan:
./vendor/bin/x-ray ./app/Actions/MyAction.php ./app/Models/*.php ./tests --snippets
Display a summary table of the located calls within ./src
and ./tests
while also ignoring some files:
./vendor/bin/x-ray \
--summary \
--ignore src/MyClass.php \
--ignore 'test/fixtures/*.php' \
./src ./tests
Display each filename & pass/fail status, along with compact results:
./vendor/bin/x-ray ./app --compact --verbose
Flag | Description |
--compact or -c |
Minimal output. Display each result on a single line. |
--github or -g |
GitHub Annotation output. Use error command to create annotation. Useful when you are running x-ray within GitHub Actions. |
--ignore or -i |
Ignore a file or path, can be specified multiple times. Accepts glob patterns. |
--no-progress or -P |
Don't display the progress bar while scanning files |
--snippets or -S |
Display code snippets from located calls |
--summary or -s |
Display a summary of the files/calls discovered |
--verbose or -v |
Display each filename and pass/fail status while scanning. Implies --no-progress . |
Create a file named x-ray.yml
or x-ray.yml.dist
in the root directory of your project to configure the package.
If the configuration file exists, it must have the root sections functions
and paths
Each section may have an ignore
or include
item, both, or neither. Each item contains an array of strings, and includes override ignores if an entry exists in both. Add a *
item to ignore or include all matches (make sure to quote the asterisk).
By default, functions.include
matches the ray
and rd
- '*'
- 'tests/fixtures/*'
- tests
- 'SettingsTest.php'
was designed to be used not only as a manual utility, but in conjunction with automation tools.
You may use x-ray
within a github workflow to help ensure you don't commit any calls to ray()
The following example workflow runs unit tests with PHPUnit and then runs x-ray
name: run-tests
- main
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
fail-fast: true
os: [ubuntu-latest]
php: [8.1, 8.0, 7.4]
name: P${{ matrix.php }} - ${{ matrix.os }}
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Setup PHP
uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
php-version: ${{ matrix.php }}
extensions: dom, curl, libxml, mbstring, zip, pcntl, pdo, sqlite, pdo_sqlite, bcmath, soap, intl, gd, exif, iconv, imagick, fileinfo
coverage: pcov
- name: Setup problem matchers
run: |
echo "::add-matcher::${{ runner.tool_cache }}/php.json"
echo "::add-matcher::${{ runner.tool_cache }}/phpunit.json"
- name: Install dependencies
run: composer update --prefer-stable --prefer-dist --no-interaction
- name: Execute tests
run: ./vendor/bin/phpunit
- name: Check for ray calls
run: ./vendor/bin/x-ray . --compact
In some cases you may want to use a git pre-commit
hook to avoid commiting any ray()
echo "Checking for ray() calls...\n"
x-ray -s .
printf '%*s\n' "${COLUMNS:-$(tput cols)}" '' | tr ' ' -
if [ -e ./.git/hooks/pre-commit ]; then
./.git/hooks/pre-commit "$@"
exit $rayScanExitCode || $localPreCommitExitCode
You can also use x-ray
with husky in your package.json
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"pre-commit": "lint-staged && .x-ray -s ."
Various screenshots can be viewed in the docs.
Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.