This is a 2-4 player game about some T-Rex and their guns. It is recommended to be played with four xbox 360 controllers even if one player can play on the keyboard.
Controlls In-Game: Movement: Left stick or WASD Jump: A-button or W Fire all weapons: Right trigger or G Join/Respawn: X-button or X Suicide: Back or Q
At the splash screen: Change length of game: Left and Right Bumper or Q and E Change level: Left stick or A and D Start Game: X-button or X
The game was created at NGJ15 by the following people: Andreas Bergqvist: Art and Design Kristijonas Malisauskas: Code and Design Ky Gurazs: Music and Design Rasmus Dyhr Larsen: Code and Design Sebastian Rostved: Audio and Design
Patch 1.1: Fixed full keyboardsupport for 1 player. Fixed a bunch of bugs.