- Clone this repository with command:
git clone https://github.com/surajmundhe30/BSE-Data-Analysis.git
- install below all python modules:
Django==3.1.2 redis==3.5.3 django-redis==4.12.1 requests schedule pandas
- Run the project with
python3 manage.py runserver
- Downloads the equity bhavcopy zip from the above page every day at 18:00 IST for the current date.
- Extracts and parses the CSV file in it.
- Writes the records into Redis with appropriate data structures (Fields: code, name, open, high, low, close).
- Renders a simple VueJS frontend with a search box that allows the stored entries to be searched by name and renders a table of results and optionally downloads the results as CSV. Make this page look nice!
- The search needs to be performed on the backend using Redis.