The Java library structr-core is the core of the structr framework. It encapsulates an embedded Neo4j database and provides means to access and manipulate data in it.
It can be used in a stand-alone scenario like this:
[ Application | ]
[ structr-core | java-API | ]
[ neo4j | java-API ]
Build with the usual maven commands (e.g. mvn clean install).
You cannot run structr-core stand-alone (it's a library).
Currently, there is no dedicated documentation available. Some documentation can be found in the dev-guide.
Additionally, you can take a look at the standard javadoc documentation here:
- Service infrastructure (using the command pattern)
- Entity context to define domain model
- Automatic relationship handling with regard to cardinality
- Access control
- Search
- Validation
- Complex constraints
- Error handling
- Cascading delete
- Spatial functions (using neo4-spatial)
- Event cascades
- Cron jobs
- Asynchronous agents
- Administration/migration tools
- Counters
[structr-core on Github] (