There are a few samples with slightly different features.
You can run all of them from an IDE via the main method, or on the command line with mvn spring-boot:run
They all log trace and span data on the console by default.
Here’s a list:
: vanilla (no zipkin) web app that calls back to itself on various endpoints ("/", "/call", "/async") -
: same as vanilla sample but with zipkin (setsample.zipkin.enabled=true
if you have a collector running) -
: a Spring Integration application with two HTTP endpoints ("/" and "/xform")
Optionally run the Zipkin Server, e.g. via docker compose (there’s a
in Spring Cloud Sleuth, or in Docker Zipkin -
Run the zipkin sample application (set
if you have no Zipkin running). If you are using a VM to run docker you might need to tunnel port 9411 to localhost, or change thespring.zipkin.baseUrl
. -
for some interesting sample traces (the app callas back to itself). -
Go to
for Zipkin’s UI (if you are using boot2docker the host will be different)
You can see the zipkin spans without the UI (in logs) if you run the sample with sample.zipkin.enabled=false .
The fact that the first trace in says "testSleuthMessaging" seems to be a bug in the UI (it has some annotations from that service, but it originates in the "testSleuthMessaging" service).