This is the source code of my smart green house project, a really old project.
You can find it here
Also, here you can find some photos
Green house is a concept, build for demonstration purposes, it is composed by:
- 2x humidity sensors
- 1x servo
- 2x fan
- 1x lcd screen
- 1x gas sensor - not these but similar
- 1x keypad
- 1x GSM cellural shield
- 1x arduino uno
- 1x raspbery pi 1
- ?x leds for watering lines
- ?x leds for heater line
It can:
- input operating limits from keypad
- measure humidity in two seperate lines of watering
- decide if its cold or warm, and open or close heater
- open windows when there is fire, close them afterwards
- clear the air
- sent measurements over serial
- provide realtime measurements
- provide realtime status of sensors
- inform you about the current sensor metrics with SMS!