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DEVit Conference Website Sources

DEVit the 360° Web Development Conference

Build Status


The site is made with Jekyll.

You need node, yarn, Ruby and bundler gem installed in order to build the site.

Please use Node v4 and above.

Build Environment

We use Gulp to manage the development workflow, build and deploy, if you don't have it installed:
npm install gulp-cli -g

We use Bundler to manage the Jekyll dependencies, if you don't have it installed:
gem install bundler

Setup Commands

  • Clone
git clone
cd devit
  • "imagemagick" is required before you can install Jekyll and its dependencies:
# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install libmagick++-dev

brew install imagemagick
  • Install Jekyll and its dependencies
bundle install
  • Install node packages

Build Commands

  • npm run develop: Launch the website locally, a development workflow with livereloads and watches.
  • npm run deploy: Build & Deploy the website using github pages.
  • npm run deploy:staging: Build & Deploy the website to Heroku.

Directory Structure

For the underscore prefixed (_*) directories, except _js, please refer to the Jekyll's documentation.

  • _js: This is where we keep all the JavaScript source code.
  • assets: Those are all our assets. css and js folders are auto-generated, DO NOT edit those files directly.
  • pages: Separated Jekyll pages.
  • _layouts: Layouts that templates in pages are using. Mostly the default one.
  • _includes: Various components. blocks and components will be merged eventually.
  • _data: All data of the site in YAML format.


We write CSS using SASS but with not a specific methodology. Hence, it is known that our current code is a bit messed up. First step is to clean our current CSS codebase and then find a proper methodology to use.

Step up if you think you can help!


We use webpack to compile our JavaScript. All assets/dependencies(except the critical ones, such as base CSS) are being loading through JS files.

An example is the _js/homepage.js file, where:

  • utils/common.js is common for every page, so include it in your file
  • require.ensure will make sure that the dependencies are being load but not evaluated untill you say so.

Webpack will then do it's thing, based on the configuration provided in gulpfile.js.

Again, we could use some help from everyone, so step up!



For this error:

RMagick installation: Can't find MagickWand.h

try out this solution.


nokogiri can be a big PITA, first try this:

bundle update nokogiri

And if that fails maybe try this:

brew unlink libxml2
brew unlink libxslt
brew unlink libiconv
sudo xcode-select --install
gem install nokogiri


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