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Releases: skggm/skggm

Compatibility with Scikit-Learn > 0.19

12 Sep 01:11
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Python3 and non-paranormal rank correlations

16 Jul 21:18
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New in this version:

  • python3 support
  • Adds alternatives to np.corrcoef and np.cov to initialize sample covariance, namely the spearman rank correlation and kendall's tau concordance correlation
  • Config for Travis continuous integration testing on repo

Minor Fixes

09 Dec 17:03
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Fixes include:

  • AdaptiveGraphLasso doesn't break when passing in an estimator with a sparkContext
  • Better results and debugging with
  • Sets default ModelAverage estimator to QuicGraphLasso instead of cross-validation version (much faster).

Basic Spark Support

09 Dec 06:10
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This release upgrades

  • MonteCarloProfile in inverse_covariance.profiling
  • ModelAverage
  • QuicGraphLassoCV

to support naive parallelization via a sparkContext if instantiated with the parameter sc.

Initial Profiling Tools

28 Nov 01:34
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Improvements to inverse_covariance

Major update to the inverse_covariance.profiling submodule

Includes new initial tools for profiling methods. Specifically:

  1. MonteCarloProfile: A workshop to measure the performance of an estimator on multivariate normal samples, given a graph generator (that generates covariance, precision, and adjacency matrices), and a set of metrics to compute in each trial.
  2. Graph: Base class and utilities to build common sparse graphs
  3. Specific graph generator classes: LatticeGraph, ClusterGraph, and ErdosRenyiGraph,
  4. Set of common metrics for profiling in inverse_covariance.profiling.metrics

An example usage can be found in examples/ or in inverse_covariance/profiling/tests.

Initial Release v0.1.0

03 Oct 06:04
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This release includes initial sklearn-compatible interface for the QUIC algorithm as well as several model selection routines. Primary classes include QuicGraphLasso, QuicGraphLassoCV, QuicGraphLassoEBIC, ModelAverage, and AdaptiveGraphLasso. We also provide some initial examples and early versions of profiling tools.