(not implemented yet, just idea)
minzoom = 0,
maxzoom = 14,
layer = 'transportation',
what = 'tags.subclass=="rail"',
color = '#ddd',
width = 3
minzoom = 0,
maxzoom = 14,
layer = 'water',
color = 'aqua'
minzoom = 10,
maxzoom = 14,
layer = 'poi',
icon = 'church.png'
what = 'tags.class=="place_of_worship" and tags.sublass="christian"'
dx = -16, -- offsets to place icon/text
dy = 0
text{ -- name of church
minzoom = 10,
maxzoom = 14,
layer = 'poi',
what = 'tags.class=="place_of_worship" and tags.sublass="christian"'
label = 'name:cs',
fallback = 'name'
dx = 2,
font = 'Gidole 12'
- implement only basic symbols in Nim, make composite symbols from Lua
- make list of rectangles where symbols were placed, do not overwrite symbols