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CTST tests for Zenko

Set of feature tests for Zenko. CTST is a CucumberJS-powered test runner with AWS-CLI support. It allows to write API-based feature tests and run them against a running Zenko. CTST uses external test files and worlds and is modular enough to let you use any additional library (e.g., Prometheus SDK to perform Prometheus queries).


Running CTST on a local Zenko can be done by running the script tests/ctst/

The script runs the end to end tests in a pod withing the kubernetes cluster, this was done to give the tests access to internal resources such as the Kafka cluster.

The kubectl run command uses a custom image of CTST containing the required test folders. The image can be built and pushed with the following steps:

cd ./tests/ctst/

# Building the image
docker build --build-arg CTST_TAG=0.2.0 . -t<username>/custom-ctst:0.2.0

# Pushing the custom image into a repository
docker push<username>/custom-ctst:0.2.0

Running the tests can be done with the following steps:

cd ./tests/ctst/

./ <mode> <parallel_workers>

Where ZENKO_ACCOUNT_NAME, ZENKO_ACCESS_KEY and ZENKO_SECRET_KEY are the account credentials.

SUBDOMAIN and ZENKO_PORT are the subdomain and port used to reach Zenko.

And E2E_IMAGE is the custom CTST image that we built in the previous step.

mode is how we want to run CTST, the value can be one of :

  • dry-run: invoke formatters without executing steps, this can be used to check if CTST is working properly
  • premerge: runs all tests tagged with @PreMerge
  • all: runs all tests

parallel_workers sets the number of tests to run in parallel


Some tests may require some additional configuration before running the tests.

Please refer to .github/scripts/end2end/ to see the configuration applied in the CI for CTST tests.