Request Error users/me? #1615
I've just gone through the steps of adding the studio to an existing project from here and doing npm create sanity@latest -- --project ew7rp6z0 --dataset production --provider google
When I load up the sanity studio at localhost:3001/studio
I get the following error
Error: Request error while attempting to reach is
The logs show
✓ Compiled in 7.4s (4531 modules)
GET /studio 200 in 214ms
GET /favicon.ico 200 in 24ms
I also tried just doing yarn add @sanity/cli
and then yarn sanity init --project ew7rp6z0 --dataset production --provider google
but I'm ending up with the same thing.
I've confirmed that I'm logged in with the right user, and I've added the local host to the CORS (with the port).
I've also deployed this to vercel on a deployment link, added the link to the Sanity CORS, created a new admin user using a different email address, logged into Sanity on a new browser with the new email address and tried to visit the site again, same error.