# Installing waver To install your super-duper wave reader into your node.js aplication just run the following:
npm install waver
You will need an audio buffer (only WAVE PCM without compression is supported at this time). The following sample code should get you started:
var waver = require('waver');
var audioBuffer = require('fs').readFileSync('pathToYourFile');
waver.readRaw(audioBuffer, function(e,wave){
if (e) console.log('Error: ', e);
This will output the following JSON structure:
{ RIFFChunk: { ChunkID: 'RIFF', Format: 'WAVE', ChunkSize: 17147876 },
{ Subchunk1ID: 'fmt ',
Subchunk1Size: 16,
AudioFormat: 1,
NumChannels: 1,
SampleRate: 8000,
ByteRate: 16000,
BlockAlign: 2,
BitsPerSample: 16 },
{ Subchunk2ID: 'data',
Subchunk2Size: 17147840,
Data: <Buffer 08 00 08 00 08 00 08 00 08 00 08 00 08 00 08 00 08 00 0 ...> } }
Instead of readRaw
you can use the read
method to return an aditional element with the audio data in a numeric form.