Instructions for running
configure: FolderToCheck : the folder which new files are sent to from server ControlFilesFolder: the folder contains all control files which are used to keep track of new added, running, and finished jobs UnzipFilesFolder: the folder in which new added jobs are unzipped to ShowAllJobIdsCommand: command/script to retrieve all names of jobs that are running in the system
slurm_skeleton: Skeleton of submitting job scripts. Requires to be modified for different system
Note: For compile job:
- Needs to have pattern *
- Needs to contain file which has all the compiles instructions
For running job:
- Needs to have pattern *
- Needs to contain which has all the compiles instructions but nothing else (e.g, does not contain #! /bin/bash)
- Needs to be under UNIX file format (i.e, WINDOWS file format may cause problem -- for examples, end wit \n\r instead of \r)
For server: The output of jobs will be stored in /greyfish/sandbox/DIR_commonuser/output