If the <syllable>
element has no <neume>
children, the text of that syllable (encoded in its <syl>
element) runs into the next syllable. See example encoding and image below:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
<?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
<mei xmlns="" meiversion="5.0" xml:id="m-147f4fdc-8bba-11ee-a80c-3645f29ecd15">
<staffDef n="1" lines="5" notationtype="neume"/>
<staff n="1">
<layer n="1">
<clef shape="C" line="4"/>
<nc pname="e" oct="2"/>
<nc pname="e" oct="2"/>
<nc tilt="s" pname="f" oct="2"/>
<nc pname="g" oct="2"/>
<nc tilt="s" pname="a" oct="2"/>
<nc tilt="n" pname="g" oct="2"/>
<nc pname="e" oct="2"/>
<nc curve="c" pname="f" oct="2">
<nc ligated="true" tilt="n" pname="f" oct="2"/>
<nc ligated="true" pname="d" oct="2"/>
<nc pname="e" oct="2"/>
<nc pname="d" oct="2"/>
See how the second syllable "ne," which has no neumes (as shown in the previous encoding), runs into the next syllable "ci" in "Benedicite."